The two primary languages I program in. C# has been used for the majority of school projects, however C++ has been the area where most of my AI learning was done, and what I plan on working with in the near future.
Unity has been the primary game engine I've used for the past 4 years. During this time, my skill set has expanded drastically, including making my own physics engine within Unity, and learning the Entity Component System. My current project, SCORCH, is in Unity, and I've begun work on better AI for the player to go up against while allowing designers to adjust things as needed.
The secondary game engine I've used over the past 4 years. Unreal Engine 4 was used for my classes in Game AI, and it is where I want to improve in over the next few months. Most of my work in it was path finding with algorithms and states, however I did create a playable Capture the Flag project in it. I am currently working in Unreal Engine 4 for coursework.